Warburn Stud
For length, growth rate, and fertility
Supreme breeding quality since 1961
Warburn Stud has been totally committed to serving the prime lamb industry for the last 60 years.
At Warburn all lambs are tagged at birth for accurate pedigree recording of sire and dam. All lambs are weighed at birth, 100 days (weaning) and again at 200 days, when they are also carcase scanned by an accredited Lambplan scanner for muscle and fat depth. This information is processed by Sheep Genetics, the national performance recording database, to generate ASBVs (estimated breeding values) for each animal for a range of commercially important traits. ASBVs are estimates of an animal’s genetic potential for traits based on actual measurements taken on individuals, with consideration and correction for the environmental factors impacting their performance (date of birth, single or multiple birth type, age of the dam, management group).
Using ASBVs allows buyers to benchmark and compare Warburn rams against all other recorded terminal sires across Australia, and more effectively select the rams that meet their breeding objectives for their target market.
Warburn clients can buy with confidence, knowing the lambs they produce will be more even as they have taken the guess work out of selecting their sires for consistent performance.
At Warburn we place strict selection criteria on our ewes to ensure the rams we breed will perform in the prime lamb market. To be retained for breeding, ewes must possess structural correctness and breed type, as well as balanced ASBVs with particular emphasis on growth and muscle. Our genetic selection is aimed at breeding a quick growing, muscled lamb, ideal for the sucker market. Our ewes are individually allocated to sires based on their attributes to breed the best progeny possible. We utilise key industry sires through artificial insemination, as well as trialling the best Warburn rams via natural mating.
We have now begun genomically testing some of our sires and selected rams. This is enabling us to better assess their genetic potential for hard-to-measure eating quality traits. We are looking forward to sampling larger numbers in the future as this information becomes increasingly important to our clients.
Warburn also prides itself on its animal health management. All our sheep are drenched (rotation system) and vaccinated with 6 in 1, with our lambs being vaccinated twice. We test for Ovine Johne’s Disease (MN3 status) and are Brucellosis accredited. Warburn has never had brucellosis, footrot for over 60 years of breeding!
Breeding Aims
We aim to produce sheep that are:
Fast maturing to produce earlier lambs.
Excellent muscling visually and through scanning.
Ease of lamb with low birth weights.
Very structurally sound.
Free of wool on the face and other clean breaches.
Able to perform in all environments.
Highly fertile.
Animal health
Warburn prides our self on maintaining a high standard of animal health such as:
Ovine johnes disease accreditation
Ovine brucellosis accreditation no Y156
ALL sheep are vaccinated 6.1 and drenched
Footrot free
Lice free
Hypotrichosis free